2018 National Convention & CVOP

What’s your lollipop moment?

August 6-11, 2018 was a huge week celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the American Massage Therapy Association in Washington DC. Before the convention formally kicked off, there were chapter leadership workshops and the Chapter Volunteer Orientation Program (CVOP) was held.

Click here to see the highlights!

Olivia Nagashima and Nancy Campbell attended the CVOP program to sharpen their volunteer skills and contribute to many table discussions. The theme was “Lollipop Moments” watch this video to see how lollipop leadership happens every day!

Everything we do has an effect on someone. As Massage Therapists, we experience this every day. The smallest gesture, the simplest comment can have a huge impact. Have you been impacted by a lollipop moment? Share it on our FaceBook page!

CVOP not only covered unconventional and successful leadership skills, we did exercises and breakouts on risk management, group dynamics, critical thinking and communication skills both interpersonal and public. A subject that came up often was “Resources.” National has created “The HUB” where chapter board members (and members in certain cases) can access valuable information for creating a successful chapter! Everything from Financial help to event planning. It contains forums too where ALL the chapters can crowd sources their questions and concerns.

Click here to see the video used for the opening session – you may recognize a face or two! 

Nancy with AMTA President Joan Nichols

I am honored to receive the 2018 Meritorious Award for the Hawaii Chapter. I found my super power skills are helping the chapter by spreading news about articles, classes, opportunities and so much more via our website, Facebook pages and news blasts.  As a board member, I invite more of my chapter ohana to join me and step up and own a special project or be part of a team that works on ways to enhance our professional members. We as an association are 75 years strong and will continue for 75 more!

Do you have special super power skills that could help the chapter? Bring it!

~Nancy J Campbell, LMT