Annual Meeting / Elections – Rescheduled, Waslaski Classes still a “go”

The Annual Meeting will be moved to April. Regardless, it WILL NOT be at the Ewa Beach Golf Club as advertised previously. The meeting committee is trying hard to revamp the event. We’ll keep you posted here. 

If you know of a venue that could be good for our group of about 60-70 people where we can have a catered lunch, let us know!!! (

Mahalo for your understanding

the Waslaski Classes will still be held

You may have heard that James Waslaski will be in town and you are RIGHT! He may come speak at our meeting and then for 3 days after (that mon-wed 16-18) he’ll present three of his classes at the Blaisdell Center Maui Room in Honolulu (777 Ward Avenue 96814.)

Information for the Waslaski Classes below.

1 day-$175 (AMTA/Students), $200 (non-AMTA)
2 day-$350, $400
3 day-$525, $600

After you register for the annual meeting, click here to register for 1 or all 3 of the Waslaski Classes.

Monday 3/16/20
Manual Therapy to Eliminate Multiple Nerve Compression Patterns of the Upper Body

State of the art anatomy and nerve graphics will allow manual therapists to look inside the human body. Starting with the brain and spinal cord, therapists will use positional release, muscle energy techniques, and soft tissue balancing protocols to address OA & C1-C2 fixations, cervical kyphosis (military neck), spinal stenosis patterns, stuck facet joints, and treat sprains and strains throughout the upper body. Nerve tests include: Spurling Test: spinal nerve compression; Eden’s Test: costo-clavicular syndrome; Adson’s Test: scalene and first rib involvement ; Wright Abduction Test: pectoralis minor involvement; Tests to identify Cubital Tunnel and Guyon’s Canal (ulnal tunnel) conditions; Test for Bicipital Aponeurosis tendinosis: median nerve scarring; Pronator Teres Test: median nerve entrapment; and Tests for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome including the Tinnel’s Test, Phalen’s Test, and Tethered Median Nerve tests. Complicated shoulder capsular adhesions will also be addressed, and home care retraining will
include spinal decompression, nerve glides and nerve tensioning protocols.

Tuesday 3/17/20
Manual Therapy to Eliminate Multiple Nerve Compression Patterns of the Lower Body

State of the art anatomy and nerve graphics will allow manual therapists to look inside the human body.
The Weber-Barstow Maneuver, and Supine to Sits Test will evaluate for functional versus anatomical leg
length discrepancies. Pelvic stabilization will use positional release, muscle energy techniques, and
muscle balancing protocols to address sacral torsion patterns, iliosacral upslips, joint capsular patterns,
femoral nerve compression, and normal muscle firing patterns. Therapists will level the sacral base, and
release the Sacrotuberous ligament for sciatic nerve pain. The Straight Leg Test and Braggard’s Test will
identify L5/ SI bulges or herniated discs. The Slump Test will identify hamstring strains or adductor strains
that scar down the Sciatic Nerve. Tibial Torsions and Fixated Fibular Head Conditions will be corrected,
by releasing the biceps femoris muscle, to address the Tibial and Fibular Nerve Entrapments. Manual
therapists will also evaluate and release Tarasal Tunnel and Morton’s Neuroma. Home care retraining
will include nerve glides and nerve tensioning protocols.

Wednesday 3/18
Kinetic Chain Patterns Causing Complicated Knee Conditions

Including Ascending Syndromes & Total Body Lesions Manual Therapists will thoroughly understand why over 90% of knee pain comes from the foot and hip. Thorough Gait Analysis, Functional Movement Screening, and thorough Orthopedic Assessment, this seminar will show therapists how a high arch or flat foot will cause the loss of the normal stirrup spring system. Therapists will understand the biomechanics of both open and closed chain kinetic foot strike. This ascending syndrome can causes multiple variations in tibial and sacral torsion patterns, and can
ascend into roto-scoliosis of the lumbar spine and compensatory scoliosis and kyphosis of the thoracic spine, locking down the OA joint in the neck. Therapists will assess and treat the following complicated knee conditions: tibial torsions; ACL, PCL, MCL and LCL injuries; meniscus tears; IT band pain; patellar tendinosis; pes anserinus tendinosis; bursitis; patellar tracking; stuck fibular head pain; fibular and tibial nerve pain; excess supination and over-pronation of the foot; compensatory OA joint fixations and sacral torsions; distal hamstring and plantaris strains; and popliteal pain. Therapists will also learn to assess for total body joint and muscle lesions.

Based on new research, therapists will know why vacu-therapies (cupping) must replace foam rollers for IT band release, rectus femoris release, and releasing the retinaculum of the knee.