Managing Stress During COVID-19
Take steps to help manage stress and improve well-being, even while social distancing.
The last couple of months have felt like a roller coaster as we all try to adapt to the…
Take steps to help manage stress and improve well-being, even while social distancing.
The last couple of months have felt like a roller coaster as we all try to adapt to the…
Election for Chapter Board Officers
A unique two year opportunity to share you skills as a team player and leader! It’s […]
Massage Therapy Foundation President, Doug Nelson, on behalf of AMTA and representing the massage therapy profession, was recently a panelist at the Alliance to Advance Comprehensive Integrative Pain Management (AACIPM) virtual…
Best Practices and some things to think about as we emerge from COVID-19. You may need to add extra protocols […]
AMTA’s Board of Directors has decided, to keep our massage therapy community as safe as possible, to cancel our 2020 National Convention planned for August. We believe this is the best…
New Look – Same Information and Service
AMTA’s website looks different. After more than a year of building, we are ready for you to explore the all-new redesigned website. Easily access resources,…
AMTA is committed to keeping you informed on COVID-19.
The Latest Information on COVID-19 and Massage
As we navigate the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis together, we’re committed to closely following updates and keeping…
COVID-19 Federal Relief What It Means For Massage Therapists Thank you to the nearly 70,000 massage therapists, along with our families, friends, clients and patients who joined AMTA’s outreach last…
AMTA’s Government Relations team has been reaching out to federal, state and local governments about the need for financial assistance for all massage therapists. We will be updating this page…
Getting there by planes, trains and automobiles Grab your friends or family and plan a trip to the AMTA 2020 National Convention where you’ll find massage therapy continuing education, inspiration, networking and…